“Your Soul’s Invisible Codes” REVIEWS


Paperback & Kindle

5.0 out of 5 stars

Beautifully written, designed to take you to the deepest levels

By Nancy Marmolejo on May 23, 2017


Having experienced Marj Britt in person for over a decade, I can say that this book captures her voice so perfectly, it’s as if she’s standing there teaching you face to face. Each page is beautifully written and designed to take your insights to deeper levels. I love how she tells her life experiences and weaves them into the greater story. Just reading about her life and her transformation is fascinating enough, but add in the lessons and reflections… I feel like I’m on a retreat when I’m reading this. Thank you Marj for your life’s work and contribution to consciousness.


This book is a must-have for people who are on the quest of knowing love, knowing God, and knowing peace.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Love stories, practices

By Linda Cook on June 5, 2017


Dr. Marj Britt’s book, Your soul’s Invisible Codes, is a treasure house of teachings, love stories, practices, and suggestions for writing your own love story, Through her own unique voice and wisdom, she guides us as we enter into the mystical teachings of Creation, unveiling for us the soul’s codes for co-creation. She invites us to discover our own gifts of genius, our own divine potential, and to live our own sacred love story in the world. Her own gift of genius is making these Mystical Teachings accessible to us through ordinary language, sharing examples from her own life. and inviting us to join with her in going higher and deeper into the Mystery.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Life experiences in the framework of mystical spiritual journey

By Anonymous Customer on June 25, 2017


The author shares her life experiences in the framework of a mystical spiritual journey into “love without an opposite”. Every step of the way she invites us to explore our own life experiences and guides us to view our journey with expanded awareness, I resonated with her references to the “always already present within” and to her experience of feeling her mind dissolving into her heart.


5.0 out of 5 stars

A Lifetime of Visionary Mysticism in One Brilliant Book!!!

By John E. Welshons on May 24, 2017


Marj Britt is one of the truly great mystical visionaries of our time. For many decades she has birthed, nurtured, and inspired a number of profoundly beautiful spiritual communities – most notably during twenty years as senior minister of Unity of Tustin in California. There she became the spiritual head and Heart of a unique “Campus of Consciousness” where she blessed the congregation and the surrounding community with an exquisitely lush natural environment and an rich, eclectic spiritual curriculum. That curriculum was drawn from the deepest spiritual teachings, teachers, philosophies, and practices from all our great wisdom traditions. When she retired from that ministry, Marj went on to create the revolutionary online community known as “Called by Love.”


In Your Soul’s Invisible Codes, Marj distills her amazing life’s work into a unique spiritual guidebook – a meticulously designed roadmap for the Soul. Marj invites us to explore the sometimes mundane events of our human lives as expressions and manifestations of a divine “love story.” Reading this book will help you unveil the contours of your own “Divine Love Story.” It will help you to know and understand what that unique story is and how it is playing out in your life. You will be blessed by Marj’s provocative, lovingly instructive, deep inner wisdom and mystical insight. It is the culmination of a lifetime of intense spiritual study and practice, condensed into one beautiful volume.


I am deeply honored to know Marj, and immensely happy to recommend this extraordinary book to you. It will touch your life in countless meaningful ways. And it will help you uncover the elegant, awe inspiring, Eternal Presence of your own Divine Nature . . . as Love . . . with you, in you, and around you, always. Namaste, and Deep Blessings . . .

~ RAMANANDA JOHN E. WELSHONS, author, One Soul, One Love, One Heart, and Awakening From Grief


5.0 out of 5 stars

It visually narrates the creation story in the enchanting garden…makes the mystery of the codes come alive

By JonClaud on June 13, 2017


There not many books that help one navigate the Mystical path. “Your Soul’s invisible codes” helps one do this in a unique way. Using the Genesis stages of creation story as a premise, it visually narrates the creation story through the use of beautifully created garden sites for each stage, in the enchanting garden of the “Campus of Consciousness”, at Unity of Tustin, California. This creative vision makes the mystery of the visible and invisible codes, come alive.


Dr. Marj offers her own personal story and takes us along, to show us how to develop the faith and trust in the unknown and be willing to surrender to guidance of Love. It is through willingness to be orchestrated by Love that the codes to our own Sacred Love Story will be revealed. The book is most helpful, as Dr. Marj personally partners with the individual, like a caring friend and offers suggestions for reflection and journaling as one moves from one chapter to the next. It is this personal touch that was so appealing to me and made me respond to the book so fondly.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Marj Britt’s labor of Love, is actually three books in one

By Karina Rindt on June 18, 2017


Dr. Marj Britt’s labor of Love, is actually three books in one, as the reader is asked to include their own story in the blank pages she included. “Your Souls’s Invisible Codes” provides excellent material for a book study, her style of guiding her readers to a place of deep discovery is a blessing for anyone and everyone on their paths. I highly recommend this book, I could not put it down. Thank you Dr. Marj Britt!


5.0 out of 5 stars

Impeccable language and divine guidance

By Anonymous Customer on June 16, 2017


Marj has a gift with words, that much has always been true. Whether it be through her seminars at Unity of Tustin, where she served as Senior Minister for 19 years, or through her enlightening conversations with others – where she lives and breathes love, or even through her written word, seen through the quality, depth, and breadth of her first book, Marj’s exquisite use of language has the power to mend hearts, transform perspectives, and heal minds.


I feel beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to read this book. I highly recommend it, if you are longing to hear your heart’s call and heed your soul’s gentle whispers. Marj takes you on a journey into the depths of love. As she always says, “Higher and deeper.” Thank you for your gift to the world.



5.0 out of 5 stars

This book is so much more than “just a book” ~ A Manifesto of Love!

By Fabienne Meuleman on May 23, 2017


What a blessing to finally hold Marj’s book in my hands. “Your Soul’s Invisible Codes – Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story” does integrate beautifully multiple aspects of Marj’s personal life and insightful mission and work.  And, it is also integrating so much more. It interweaves many facets of what those of us who have been a part of Called by Love Institute (the 501©3 non-profit organization Marj founded) worked with in the recent years and what Marj shared with her community in Tustin for two decades.


Now, thanks to the book, we are all invited to “bring our life into the curriculum” through each chapter and code of co-creation and unveil, connect and continue to co-create more of the aspects of our Own Sacred Love Story. Becoming more aware of our “Golden Threads”, individually and collectively. Regardless of where we live in the world.


Personally, Marj and her teachings have impacted me in many profound and transformative ways. Since my first visit in October 2012, I absolutely LOVED the Meditation Gardens that are now featured in Marj’s book. I especially felt an instantaneous strong connection with “Site 6” and its deeply moving gorgeous one-of-a-kind stained-glass art created by Bud, Marj’ son, that you can see on the cover of the book.


The book has been, and continue to be for me, an invitation to continue to go deeper. And I am truly delighted that all those who intuitively feel “Called by Love”, even without knowing at first what it might mean for them, are invited to join us on the journey. My sense is that, with the book, you are getting much more than “a book”. Not only because you are invited to bring to Light and aliveness parts of your life that might have been dormant and/or misunderstood so far, and have profound impact on your life; yet, also because it is an open invitation to join a growing worldwide community with those who are feeling Called by Love and willing to “harness the Power of Love” in our lives, and in the world.


5.0 out of 5 stars


By Anonymous Customer on June 3, 2017


I am in the midst of this book and am experiencing profound peaceful insights in and about my individual life’s journey.  The author, Marj Britt has created a safe, sacred and intimate space between each and every word. The query she poses invites me inward toward my own yearning for my soul to reveal itself in its fullest expression. I am a happy learner because at this point, I can already tell this is a forever book!


The author allows me and the book to co-create and collaborate via scribing, listening, pondering, meditating on the ART of LOVE. And for me, this is my call to Love and extend The Good, The Holy and The Beautiful today. Love come back from my future. This book is a gift to give to yourself today!



5.0 out of 5 stars

Called by Love

By Arnie Bazensky on June 15, 2017


As a member of the Board of Directors, I worked with Dr. Marj Britt for almost 20 years at Unity of Tustin during its formative years, and know her and love her very much. I encouraged her many times over the years to put her loving consciousness in writing someday, and that day has come. I ordered the book as soon as the advance announcement of its release came out, and after reading the first 4 chapters, I was compelled to call Marj and tell her what a great work this was. It is clearly from her heart, which I also know well, and my first comment to her on that call was “Marj, this is so you!” It literally made me cry.


This book contains an explanation of how a loving heart is truly our destiny while we’re here on earth. It is a must read for anyone looking inward to unlock the codes of their own existence, their own Beloved. Marj has touched on something very profound and important here, and in this time of divisiveness in almost every sector of humanity, this book provides a way of understanding how to live in the world, in peace, humility and especially in a loving way. Superb work Marj, Bravo!


5.0 out of 5 stars

Britt’s soul journey based on Love + start your own soul’s journey love story

By Judith Rae Driscoll on June 21, 2017


Fabulous story, true, of Dr. Britt’s soul journey based on Love. Chapters include some writing by the reader to start their own soul’s journey love story for themselves. Loved it.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Essence and Expression of LOVE!

By Stephanie Aho on July 25, 2017


Be ready to both “transcend and include” all that you are, all that you’ve been and all that you strive to be! The myriad realms of the joys and mysteries of exploration and discovery will be revealed as you are propelled on a journey of spiritual evolution. Come with pen in hand as Marj has literally, as well as figuratively provided the spaces and places for us to “write our soul!”



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